Well, I know there’s a reason, And I know there’s a rhyme.
We were meant to be together, And that’s why,
We can roll with the punches. We can stroll hand in hand.
And when I say it’s forever
You understand.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Welp here goes nothing!/Thanksgiving thoughts:)

So I (Lindsey) have decided to join the trend and create this blog about our boring lives. Not quite sure how to use it.... but it will work itself out. As thanksgiving approaches its the time to think about all the things that you take for granted the rest of the year. I think that one thing that I have learned to appreciate isFamily!! I think since getting married I have learned to appreciate the time I get to spend with my family more and more:) And I mean everyone! My parents my siblings and my extended family! I was so blessed with the best aunts, uncles, and cousins! Another thing that I am grateful for is my hubby! He is always there to support and love me no matter what! We have had a rough couple months with all the doctor problems and he never once let me get down about it. He is my rock and I love him for it! :) Okay well i'm thinking that this is it for now there will be more i see people get addicted to these things and im sure that I will do the same!
Here is an updated photo:)

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