Well, I know there’s a reason, And I know there’s a rhyme.
We were meant to be together, And that’s why,
We can roll with the punches. We can stroll hand in hand.
And when I say it’s forever
You understand.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Cute new hats!:)

So I have been working on a new pattern(my mom gave me one and I tweaked it to make it easier and faster:)) here are a couple pictures, these are just pictures of adult sized hats but I do make them in baby size, and kids sizes. Sorry I haven't blogged in a few hopefully this upcoming week will be a little less busy so I will be able to update on Thanksgiving and things! Love you all! oh btw I am looking for like a hat display thingy... like a model of a head?? any ideas where i might find one?
Brown and teal

White and Green Polka Dot Fun
Sorry this one is kinda blurry.

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